Make checks payable to "The New Horizons Foundation" and be sure to put "LIFT YOUR GAZE"in the memo line and mail to: The New Horizons Foundation, ATTN: LIFT YOUR GAZE,
If you're 72+ you now have the freedom to make tax-free distributions from your IRA directly to charity. You can now give up to $100K instead of taking a forced IRA distributions that might place you into a higher tax bracket.
You will receive a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock or security and you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciation.
You can make gifts to LIFT YOUR GAZE from real estate sold, or you can make a gift from your wills, strust, retirement plan, or life insurance. You can also set up a Donor Advised Fund.
Want to give a gift to "LIFT YOUR GAZE in memory of a loved ones, family members, friends, classmates, faculty members, or others? Enter “in memory of” the name of the person in the comment section and the family will receive a letter acknowledging your gift.
Farmers or ranchers may make a gift of grain or cattle to charity before the asset is sold can get significant tax benefits over selling the commodity and making a cash donation.