Go on a journey with two faithful servants of God:
Robert Speights II authored and Krista Murr illustrated
this enduring children's book, which encourages all of us to come and sit
at the foot of our Savior and
press in deeper to the Kingdom of God.
Robert Speights II is a carpenter from Texas who God called to write children's books. He is grateful to God, who searches the hearts of men doesn’t choose people by our looks. Even though Robert is still in awe of God and doesn’t feel qualified to write children’s books, he rests in Jesus, knowing that in our weakness, God is the strongest.
Krista is a Texas-based artist. She is very thankful to be a part of what these books stand for. She has used the gifts and resources given to her to illustrate this books for the children everywhere. Her hope is that the reader will start a relationship with Jesus and dive deeper intot the most important book ever, the Holy Bible.