Lift Your Gaze is a community-based nonprofit that exists to provide HOPE to the traumatized, especially but not limited to the incarcerated.

Unfortunately, 70% of Americans experience trauma in their life; that's 223.4 million people. This suffering can be from a loss, cancer, post-trauma-stress disorder from serving our country, or from being incarcerated.

Whatever the cause, the ripple effects are too significant to be ignored. And the effects of unhealed trauma in our society are immeasurable. 

Despite life's atrocities, Lift Your Gaze's promise of providing HOPE remains strong. Whether it is from the words of one of our inspirational books in English or Spanish, the teaching of our trauma-healing curriculum to residents within the correctional facilities, or through personal mentoring with a sex trafficking, domestic violence, or cancer victim, we offer real-world solutions to life's challenges. 

We believe in and understand the power of a single seed of HOPE. 

Lift Your Gaze is a community-based nonprofit organization and a project through The New Horizons Foundations, a 501(c)(3) organization.

Join Us in Saving Lives

“I was going to commit sucide and a copy of your book ended up on my bunk. I don't know how it got there, but it saved my life. I now have hope. Thank you.”

~ Kelly

Twelve Ways You Can  Provide HOPE

Click Here


Lift Your Gaze is committed to providing our trauma-healing curriculum in both English and Spanish on inmate tablets across 289 county and 22 state correctional facilities.

🔗 Click the button below to join us in this transformation journey and select "books for inmates" from the dropdown menu after you click on the link.

Your support can turn the page to a new chapter in the lives of so many.

Donate to Provide eBooks

Life. HOPE. Peace.

“I was incarcerated back in 2020 when COVID first hit and THIS BOOK saved my life. The Chaplain gave it to me and I read it cover to cover. It changed my life.”

~ a newly released inmate

Click the "GIVE HOPE" button below to help us continue to provide hope.   


"Lift Your Gaze" Podcast Broadcasts to 650K+ Inmates


Now HOPE through Lift Your Gaze's Podcast is now being broadcast to over 650K+ inmates' tablets in 22 state prisons and 289 county jail correctional facilities across the nation.

2024 HOPE Initiatives

Lift Your Gaze is a community-based nonprofit that exists to provide HOPE to the traumatized, especially the incarcerated.

Last year, we met our matching goal and translated our second book into Spanish, Aguas Profundas: Levanta tu Mirada. In 2024 we have received another matching grant. Every dollar donated up to $15k is matched 100%. DOUBLE YOUR GIVING! Click here to access our giving page to donate to this program. 

2. MORE BOOKS are needed:
Lift Your Gaze's program has been approved for all 84K Florida prison inmates. The demand for Lift Your Gaze's curriculum in state prisons is exploding.  Lift Your Gaze is in several county jails across the country. These jails turn over 100% of their inmate population every 90 days. The total population of these facilities is over 10,000 inmates. We anticipate we will need over 25,000  books/year. Every $20 donated saves one life. Select "Books for Inmates" from the drop-down on our giving page to donate to this program. 

3. Capital Campaign:
Lift Your Gaze is an organization fueled by volunteers that partners with other nonprofits. We don't have enough monthly sponsors to meet our administrative costs and electronic and print media.  WE ARE IN NEED OF MONTHLY SPONSORS TO MEET THIS INiTIATIVE. Select "Use Where Needed Most" from the drop-down at the top of our giving page to donate to this program. 

Click the donate button below to make a one-time gift or become a much-needed monthly partner to help us continue to provide HOPE.  
DONATE Join Our Email List

Provide a Book for an Inmate

Buy a Book: Provide HOPE to an Inmate

Thank you for your prayers and support.  

LYG's Leadership Guides and Training Videos

Click Here

Contact Us

+1 407.906.2191



Lift Your Gaze is a project of  The New Horizons Foundations, a 501(c)(3) organization.

To make tax-deductible donations via check: make checks payable to "New Horizons Foundations" with "Lift Your Gaze" in the memo section and mail to: 

New Horizons Foundation

ATTN: Lift Your Gaze

731 Chapel Hills Drive

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

The numbers you need to know:


County Jails have Lift Your Gaze's Podcast available on tablets for inmates


State correctional facilities have access to HOPE through Lift Your Gaze's Initiatives


Recidivism Rate for inmates in Lift Your Gaze program


Inmates and their families who have received HOPE through Lift Your Gaze's Trauma Healing Program and Podcast





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